SKU LXPLUS-52 Category Tag

Na kena e Rawa ni Vakayagataki Tale na Tamata Balavu 25mm Mink reusable ni vatu

If you have thin lash, This Wispy effect will offer you extra volume and depth, this is exactly what you needed.

We support customization and small order wholesale quantities, welcome new startup contact

Our Na kena e Rawa ni Vakayagataki Tale na Tamata Balavu 25mm Mink reusable ni vatu Features are:
  • Volume: medium.
  • Lash length: 25mm.
  • Up to 25 times wear.
  • 3d Curl, fluffy
  • Lash in Cotton band, very soft
  • Handmade 100% , hand made each mink hair well
  • High Temperature Sterilization. Safy and healthy. no allergic.

Price Range : $1.50 - $2.50, Stock: More than 1000 pieces.

Order Description

Like all of the false eyelash supplier, We also have the minimum order quantitiy limit. Each order moq is 50 pairs,You can mixed quantity with other P/N.

Oem and Wholesale accept.

False eyelashes are products for personal use, in general, we do not accept return processing. We can only guarantee that the products and samples provided are consistent. If there are a lot of quality problems, we can discuss countermeasures separately.

Lavetaka na iVola

Vakacuruma na nomu imeli mo taura kina na neitou Catalog.

Keitou na veitaratara kei iko ena loma ni 1 na siga ni cakacaka, yalovinaka ka vakarorogo ki na imeli ka volai tu kina "ohlala***".

Kerea e Dua na Vosacavuti Totolo

Keitou na veitaratara kei iko ena loma ni 1 na siga ni cakacaka, yalovinaka ka vakarorogo ki na imeli ka volai tu kina "ohlala***".