This article discusses the relevance of eyelash boxes for eyelash enterprises. Also, how they may help them increase their market value and attract new customers.

Eyelashes box is for store the eyelashes. It is usually made up of paper, plastic, and other materials. An Eyelash box is essential in the eyelash suppliers. It attracts customers to buy their products and they can add the brand name on the box. They will also have the opportunity to increase their unit price.

To learn more about this innovative product and how it will make you feel like never before.

Why do you need to order a lash box?

Mainly Attract customers

Product packaging is a critical element of consumer buying feeling. Product packaging is essential to the relationship between the person who buys it. Also what the person buys. Yet, it can immediately jeopardize the consumer’s desire to buy. Also, it can endanger the rights and interests of the company. A good product packaging will make people want to buy it. It can be appealing and attract consumers, but also make them want to buy it. But it is also from the psychological state to capture the consumer’s climax and desire to buy.

To add the Brand logo on the lash box for future brand development.

A well-designed product packaging will help you sell your product. If the customer sees it and is interested, then they will buy it. You should have a well-known brand that tells them about the merits of your product. It should be the champion salesman that sells it to other customers instead of other brands.

Clothes need to be on a hanger. Horses need saddles. If you make the product look good, it will draw customers’ attention and want to buy it. To make this happen, you first need to create packaging that is attractive. Then plan how best to advertise your brand. So people know who you are before they buy something from you for the first time.

To make a higher level of the products and for a higher unit cost.

Eyelash boxes help to create a higher level of recognition for your products. It is also crucial that your packaging makes an excellent first impression. These attract customers before using the product. The packaging doesn’t have to be about protecting and preserving goods. It’s an opportunity for branding development as well. As a manufacturer, you are in control of the price of eyelashes. You could sell them at higher prices with an attractive box design. Thus, it is perfect for showing your brand identity.

What materials are available for eyelash box packaging?

Eyelash boxes are a great way to package your products. They’re sturdy, compact, and come in different colors. The materials available for eyelash box packaging can vary. Examples are Hard Paper, acrylics and plastics, paperboard, and paper+plastic. To find out more about the options for eyelash box packaging.

  • Hard Paper Material: Paper has the benefit of being both porous and robust. Thus, making it an excellent medium for repackaging cosmetics. People prefer thicker materials or cardboard free from corn starch or checkbook covers. Usually, with pre-punched holes for netting rather than light cardstock.

Paper boxes are the most common type of packaging in paper packaging printing. It usually uses various materials. Such materials include corrugated paper, cardboard, gray backing. There’s also a white card and special art paper.

There are many kinds of paper packaging. We won’t go into detail. You canrefer to this article (6) if you are interested.

  • Acrylic/ Plastic: Acrylic is an inert material that won’t dissolve in contact with water. The crystalline nature of the material has low surface energy. So bacteria can’t form and colonize this material. It is also durable and heat and cold-resistant, which lasts for a very long time.

It is semi-transparent. You can see through to what’s inside, which helps maintain hygiene and keep the lashes visible. The packaging must be handled with care to avoid puncture. Acrylic doesn’t absorb any odor or stain from germs and bacteria. It is due to its lower porosity than other materials such as metal or timber.

  • Paper+Plastic window/draw: The Paper+Plastic Window/Draw is a good eyelash box choice. It provides a protective and attractive casing for lashes. It is durable, waterproof, has plenty of storage space, and can store many strip lashes.

Some people avoid paper alone for their eyelash box. Usually, because they want something more durable than that.

A transparent plastic window on the box makes it easy to see the eyelash products without opening them. The plastic drawer has the same function.

  • Paper+EVA foam: Paper box + Eva form is for some high-level and Mixed kits eyelash products. Inside EVA form can provide extra protection of products.

What Logo method for a custom eyelash box?

Choosing the perfect logo for your custom eyelash box can be a daunting task. And the use of which method you put on your package is also essential. So you must put in time and effort when designing yours. There are two methods for you to add your logo to the box.

  • Printing Logo: A printing logo creates ink impressions. It is true for many different printing surfaces, including paper. The price difference is the Logo mold cost. But comparing your long-term business, It costs nothing.

The logos are made with plates or engraved blocks to make them resistant to wear and tear. The main benefit is that logo printing demonstrates investment and consistency.

Printed logos can add some effects like Shiny letter, gold-plated, Silver-plated.

Printed logos look better because the ink runs all over the surface of the product. Sticker labels are often not sealed well enough against rain or humidity. While they are tacky, it causes them to come apart. Higher quality prints allow the logo to stay crisp and unobstructed. Hence, making it easy to read from any angle.

  • Sticker Label Logo: A sticker label is an adhesive-backed paper label affixed to a surface. Any business may apply for stickers with their company name and logo. So they are offering brand recognition and marketing opportunities. From the price side, It’s also cheaper than the printed logos.

They’re also more durable than ordinary labels. And can even be used as resealable closure for silicone items. The real benefit is that they don’t take up a lot of space. Also, they offer the ability to brand your name, contact information, logo, and much more on them. They can be put onto anything from a small place or anywhere else you could think.

Where should I put the logo on the lash box?

There are many different opinions on where to place your logo. It is especially true when designing packaging for a new product. Some designers suggest placing the logo at the top of the package. Others insist it should be placed in the center. All these suggestions have merit. But there are also some things you should consider before deciding.

  • Front cover on the box: You should put your logo on the front cover to promote your brand and make it more visible. If your goal is to make the product identifiable by everyone, putting the logo on the front cover would be wise. But whether it increases sales is another question. It is one of those questions where personal preference can trump what’s best for marketing.
  • Front cover + Box Inside (bottom card): If you use all three levels of packaging, you’ll maximize visibility for your brand. You can distinguish unsold goods from sold goods. Also, you can organize products without time wasted refolding. Lastly, maintain shelf appeal every day of the week. It might mean more work up-front, but that will save you loads in the long run.

Yet, note that some people dislike logos. They feel it is too aggressive. While others like them. They think it still trusts the company to have a strong visual design presence.

How to choose an eyelash box?

If you’re considering having an eyelash box, here are some things to help you decide what eyelash box to choose:

  • Box shape and size: The shape and size of the eyelashes can be different for everybody. But there are two main types: round and square. There is no right or wrong type to have. But it’s essential to know which one you prefer so you can find products that work best for your lashes.
  • The material of the eyelash box: Long-lasting and perfect control. It’s essential to consider the material that makes up eyelash boxes. If an eyelash box isn’t made of high-quality materials, it can affect the quality of the eyelashes.
  • Design and Style: Good design is critical to the success of any product. It includes boxes for lash products. Your box must-have functionality and aesthetics to attract customers to buy it. It is an excellent way to differentiate your products from other brands in the market. Besides, it helps consumers distinguish different variations in each product series. By this, consumers find what they’re looking for. Customers also remember it because of its uniqueness.

The importance of lash boxes for your eyelash Customers

 Ignore the brand consideration; it’s essential for your customers. They can:

  • Bacteria Prevention: Eyelashes prevent bacteria from entering your eye in a few ways. So, an eyelash box helps keep your false eyelashes safe in a few ways. First, the hard shell helps protect the eyelashes from environmental hazards. It includes airborne particles and liquids on surfaces containing bacteria. Second, it helps block airborne bacterial particles (4) from contacting your lashes and eyelids. It is where most of us contract most of our infections.
  • Keeps the eyelashes in good condition: Eyelash box helps maintain false eyelashes’ quality (5). It is true by making them into manageable shapes that are easier to use. Besides, an eyelash box is a practical storage system for false eyelashes. An eyelash box can help prolong the lifespan of your false eyelashes. It also frees them from dust and dirt and keeps them organized.

Also, some clear boxes have been designed with raised sections. It is usually on the bottom of each compartment-like separations. As a result, the lashes compressed between other lashes will rise upwards. Thus, it is always ready to be used! All in all, it’s an excellent investment for those who use false eyelashes.

  • Organize your eyelashes: Eyelash box helps to manage false eyelashes. They keep them away from dirt or any other type of things that would contaminate them. Besides, eyelash boxes are used for holding the fake lashes when they’re not being worn.

They usually come with a pouch for storing and a mesh area on top. It is where you can lift out individual lashes and place them on your lash line to get the desired effect. Without using a plastic eyelash box, you would need to take each lash off its backing. Also, they tend to rub each against your eye to get off wrapping residue.


Eyelash boxes are an important and necessary element of any enterprise. It is true in any beauty business of promoting brands.

With this simple tool, you can find your sales grow more. You will help your customers find the perfect lash style and make it easy to apply them in their own homes. If you want your customers to love their purchase of lashes, provide them with an eyelash box. It is an easy way to carry around their new eye accessory.\


  1. Plastic (Retrieved from
  2. Airborne bacterial particles (Retrieved from,Earth%20Materials%20and%20Health%2C%20pg.)
  3. Maintain the quality (Retrieved from
  4. Paper package material: ( Retrieved from

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