You need to consider many determinants and determine when you decide to start selling your eyelashes. Most especially the cost to start selling.

You might ask yourself, “Will I be able to start with 100 to 200 dollars in capital or even lower?” The answer is a YES!

If you want to open your own eyelash company, the capital cost is the top factor you need to consider. As an eyelash supplier, we can give you an estimate. We take the market hot-selling products mink lashes to show you the cost:

  • Lash Product Wholesale cost: 2$* 30 / 50 Pairs= $60-100
  • Packaging Cost: 0.5-1$, so, 0.5$/1$*50pcs= $25-50
  • Shipping Fee and Taxes: $13-55
  • Promote on Social platform or Official Website Build: $160-860(considerable)
  • Marketing or Advertising cost: 0-Large

the total cost you can start selling your eyelashes can be between $98-1065.

PS: If you want to know product price ranges, you can contact us for the Product list + Price catalog here.

Wait, did you say before $100-200? Now, let’s go into more specific details on each category listed above.

Lash Vendors Wholesale Price

Suppose you would like to make sure that you can profit from your eyelashes. It would be best if you looked for vendors that sell ready-made lashes. But you also need to make sure that they offer reasonable prices for your retail.

Usually, when you do bulk buying, your supplier offers you a lower or wholesale price. Prices may also vary according to the lashes’ style and material used.

Typically, authentic mink lashes will cost more than synthetic and Synthetic. It also means a higher wholesale price than the others.

A synthetic lash’s cost depends on its type, consisting of faux mink and artificial silk. Aside from these, another deciding factor for the price is the length, thickness, and width of lashes.

You may learn more about the difference between faux mink and artificial silk. It includes the different lash lengths and widths to get a more precise grasp on this particular topic.

When looking for your wholesale vendor, you have to make sure that they are authentic and transparent. It is especially vital with the material used. Some of them may be hoaxes and fraud.

If you asked where to find lash wholesalers, China would be the top answer you would commonly encounter. They are famous as the birthplace of mink lashes.

China also has thousands of factories available across the country. Aside from that, their country produces about 80% of the luxury mink lashes and is famous as the world’s professional lash vendor.

They make cheap lashes with high-quality material. You can sell them for a reasonable retail price without compromising the quality.

Finally, for Product cost:

  • Ordinary mink lashes produced in China cost about $1-1.5.
  • The slightly better quality can cost around $2.5.
  • The best quality can cost you as much as $4.

But, these prices can change depending on your vendors and other fees. So, it would be best if you negotiated with them. They can also vary depending on the design and type of lashes you wish to get and sell.

Budget Cost for Lash Style

As mentioned, lashes have different variations and styles that affect their pricing. These are according to their thickness, length, the authenticity of the material, and even color.

Another technique you can use so you do not go over your budget cost for each lash style is talking to your supplier. You can show them how much you have, and they will tell you how many lashes they can produce for you.

Typically, bulk buying will cost you less, but you can opt for baby steps and test the waters with the first few sets you can offer if you cannot afford them yet.

You may also ask them to make your free packaging presentable enough. You can save as you don’t have to make another purchase. You may sell the lashes as is; this will save you the extra expenses of re-boxing and repacking your lashes.

You may also negotiate with your wholesale supplier to get discounts or advantages.

There are local vendors in the US or somewhere near your place to avail yourself of your wholesale lashes. It will save you the shipping fees needed instead of shipping from overseas suppliers.

Yet, it is still famous that China produces high-quality yet affordable lashes. So, make sure to weigh your options.

Curate and assign where you are spending your budget to ensure that you can get good money cashback and retail price.

Packaging Estimates

Not all factories producing your lashes give the best packaging. So if you are one of those who would want your lash boxes customized, you can spend a few bucks for this.

Packaging can also be an essential selling point. So I understand if you want it to have your signature design to help your customers identify your brand more. Your eyelash vendor can also do this for you with an extra fee.

They usually offer free boxes and personalized ones, so it would be good to ask them this during negotiations. Yet, if they do not do box designs, fret not, as there are plenty of options and companies willing to do this for you.

For package prices: You can check from our website. There are different offers for packaging designs you can find.

There are three prices for three types of boxes: acrylic, hardboard, and cardboard.

  • Acrylic eyelash boxes can cost around $1 and $3.
  • Hardboard eyelash boxes can cost $1.5 and $5.
  • Lastly, the cardboard eyelash boxes are the cheapest, with $0.5 and $1.5 per box.

Before going extra with the packaging, you can go for a neutral first- without a logo- and the box is about $1

But these prices are not set in stone and can still change upon discussions and inclusions.

Shipping Fee and Other Charges

Earlier, we mentioned in this article that you should expect to pay for the shipping fees if you get your lashes from an overseas supplier.

Shipping fees usually change from time to time due to the conversion rate. It also varies based on the type of delivery (sea cargo, air cargo, etc.), the delivery company, taxes, customs fees, and others.

So aside from the lashes and their packaging, you also have to prepare for the shipping expenses.

Some companies and wholesale vendors offer free shipping. Make sure to ask about this matter when hiring their services.

According to our former experiences, Shipping costs to the USA for 50 pairs of mink lashes are around $13-55, which varies according to the different shipping methods.

Website Credits and Advertising Fee

When selling your eyelashes online, you can highlight them on your website. You can also create advertisements to attract customers.

But this will not be free of charge. But running your site and advertising your products on free platforms is free. You can post on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites to promote.

You may also ask about e-commerce like Alibaba, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc., and how you can put your products on their platforms to earn higher revenue.

These platforms have been making a lot of noise in the online market, especially nowadays when people need to stay at home as much as possible.

You can also build your official Website and lead customers to your web. They can know you more this way.

The experience formed by the advice to you:

A website=Frame+Space+Domain+Content

Frame: Mostly by WordPress. They are free too.

So the things we have to buy are Space and Domain.

Website built by WordPress: Free

Space+Domain: Buy Virtual Space

  • Option 1: Bluehost, two years + a one-year free domain name for about $240.
  • Option 2: Hostinger is currently the fastest virtual space with about $160 for 4 years, including Space and Domain name.

Build Website Structure: Build by yourself for $0 or Hire freelancers on Upwork, and build a website for $500-700. Choose Indian freelancers; they are fast and professional.

Content: Of course, you need to fill in after making the Website, so it’s free.

So the total is $160-940

Promotion cost: It costs $0 to promote on social media platforms. But if you want to advertise on Google, the promotion can cost extra.

Finally, $160-940 for an official website and promotion

Other Factors

Other factors may tell you how much you need to start your eyelashes, such as labor fees, agent’s charges, etc.

You may also refer to this article, “How Do I Start a Successful Eyelash Business?“, to get an insight into the other monetary charges you might need to prepare.


There is no denying that the eyelash business nowadays is rising.

For a minor order of false eyelashes, you can start selling the best-selling mink hair eyelashes 30-50 pairs in a blank logo eyelash package by express shipping.

To save costs considerably, you don’t need to build your website when you are still starting. promotion in the social platform, the Total is 98$

If you want to build your brand and lead customers to your website, you know how to build a website. Total is $258.

If you want to build your brand and lead customers to your website, You don’t know how to make the website. Then hire a freelancer. Total is $1065.

It’s all up to you!

Come to contact us for your brand here.

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