SKU AC-15 Kategorie Tag

Reusable Single Blue Colored Mink Lashes

The 25mm colored mink lashes of real mink hair, and the dark blue color close to black will not be so exaggerated and eye-catching.

Customized order and Wholesale is welcome

The Colored mink lashes is 100% real mink, In order to ensure that you have no feeling while using it, we use real mink fur as the material。

Eis Reusable Single Blue Colored Mink Lashes features are:

  • Black cotton band
  • Handmade %
  • 3D shape curl
  • Deep blue color
  • 25mm hair length
  • Reusable many time if carefully use

Präisbereich: $1.50 - $2.50, Stock: Méi wéi 1000 Stécker.

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