Criss Cross false Double layer bulk mink 3d 16mm lashes

The Most Popular style, This 3D Mink, Rounded and Natural Look, is ideal for achieving an Insta-worthy glam finish. Adds length, volume and seduction to any look, while still being incredibly lightweight for a comfortable wear.

Our 16mm false eyelashes come off naturally from the mink. Make a 3D curl. The criss-cross double layers of hair look like natural eyelashes after wearing.
The Criss Cross false Double layer bulk mink 3d 16mm lashes feathers below:
  • Can be used for 25 times if you care them well.
  • Multi-layered lashes, Give your eyes a natural look.
  • Cotton band, more comfortable to wear.
  • Light material, won’t increase any extra weight to your eyes.
  • High-Temperature Sterilization. Safe and healthy. Do not harm to your eye .

Te Utu Utu : $1.50 - $2.50, Rakau: Neke atu i te 1000 nga waahanga.

Whakaahuatanga ota

Pērā i te kaiwhakarato kanohi kanohi teka katoa, kei a matou ano te tepe ota rahinga iti. Ko ia ota moq he 50 takirua, Ka taea e koe te whakauru i te rahinga me etahi atu P/N.

Oem me Wholesale whakaae.

Ko nga kanohi kanohi teka he hua mo te whakamahi whaiaro, i te nuinga o te waa, kaore matou e whakaae ki te tukatuka whakahoki. Ka taea noa e matou te kii he rite tonu nga hua me nga tauira e whakaratohia ana. Mena he maha nga raru o te kounga, ka taea e taatau te korero mo nga mahi aukati.

Tikiake Putumōhio

Whakauruhia to imeera ki te tiki i ta maatau Putumōhio.

Ka whakapā atu matou ki a koe i roto i te 1 ra mahi, tena koa whakarongo ki te imeera me te tuhi “ohlala***”.

Tonoa He Korero Tere

Ka whakapā atu matou ki a koe i roto i te 1 ra mahi, tena koa whakarongo ki te imeera me te tuhi “ohlala***”.