Artificial false eyelash is the most good one for our eyes, Natural Crisscross and volume style can makeup your eyes bigger. 25mm length mink hair is the most popular in most market.
OEM and Wholesale support.
Our Best Artificial Reusable False Darkness Eyelashes Features are below:
Үнийн хүрээ: $ 1.50 - $ 2.50, хувьцаа: 1000 гаруй ширхэг.
Like all of the false eyelash supplier, We also have the minimum order quantitiy limit. Each order moq is 50 pairs,You can mixed quantity with other P/N.
Oem and Wholesale accept.
False eyelashes are products for personal use, in general, we do not accept return processing. We can only guarantee that the products and samples provided are consistent. If there are a lot of quality problems, we can discuss countermeasures separately.
Манай каталогийг авахын тулд имэйл хаягаа оруулна уу.
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Бид тантай ажлын 1 өдрийн дотор холбогдох болно, захидал бүхий имэйлд анхаарлаа хандуулна уу “ohlala***”.