Are you afraid you cannot fulfill the demand for eyelashes for the coming holidays? Don’t worry. This article will give you the solution for that.

Before the Chinese new year, stocking up on false eyelashes is the best choice. Confirm their holiday time with the supplier if you don’t want to stock products or have them in production. After they return to work, confirm with the supplier their production time—the missing materials, the time of material return, shipment stability, and other details.

Most high-quality eyelashes come from a legit supplier, and many legit eyelash suppliers come from China. However, there is the Chinese New Year. It is one of the biggest celebrations of the said country. Chinese New Year also comes with a long holiday celebration like the international new year. It means suppliers may stop exporting products too. If you are a Chinese vendor, read on to know the best things you can do to surpass the season’s challenges.

What should you do when you meet Chinese New Year?


Know Chinese New Year-related details. More specifically, see when the date of the Chinese New Year celebration (1) and the supplier’s holiday time. All the data you will get will tell you how you can sustain the smooth operation of your eyelash business. For example, you will be able to plan out your orders before the holiday season. Similarly, you will also be prepared for your sales after the period of celebration.

To do that, you can answer these questions:

When Is The Chinese New Year’s Date Start?

For 2022, the Chinese New Year will fall on Tuesday, February 1. Chinese new year’s date is not like the international new year, as they base it on their calendar. So, if you are preparing for next year’s Chinese New year celebration, you can check out their calendar. Alternatively, you can watch out for Chinese news and government announcements.

How Long Will The Chinese New Year Celebration Be?

For the Chinese, the celebration of their new year will be 16-days long. It will start on January 31, 2022. The last day of the celebration will be on February 15, 2022. It is also the day of their Lantern Festival. If you want to check the holiday details for Chinese New Year to come, you can also refer to China’s Government Announcement. (2), Make sure to use google page translator to your language.

What Is The Holiday Time Of This Supplier?

Our government requested a holiday time for the year 2022 from January 31, 2022, to February 6, 2022. However, not all suppliers have the same holiday schedule. Thus, it is always better to know your supplier’s plan before the holidays. This will save your time and eliminate hassle.

Some companies are not closing their factories for continuous production, and big companies may accept orders near holidays. However, there are some factors to consider.

Of course, suppliers need to consider the time and effort of their staff and personnel. For this reason, big companies may schedule the production of eyelashes and process orders during the new year but with a condition. You must pay higher than their products’ regular prices. They are also paying their employees 2-3 times their regular salaries.

Meanwhile, you must be aware that not all suppliers do this. Some are not operating for certain days within the Chinese New Year celebration due to the challenges this season offers. For example, their employers have to go back to their hometowns. Thus, it is difficult for them to travel back to the company’s location right away. Often, they already have plans about spending days with their families and significant people in their lives. Sometimes, even the managers and owners decide to go home as well. Like their employees, they also plan a family vacation or bonding moments.

What Should You Do After Knowing The New Year Time?

Let’s say you already have the details about the holidays. Here are the things you can follow to ensure a smooth eyelash business transaction.

1. Make sure you know your scheduled time.

Suppose you already know the details regarding Chinese New Year and your supplier’s date of holidays. In that case, you can make an order before that. You can even set a schedule for supplying cessions beforehand. Be specific to your timeframe and make healthy negotiations with your supplier. However, in the center of that, you must be aware of possible factors leading to the uncertainty of eyelash production’s progress.

2. Make sure you follow uptight before the supplier closes the production

Following up plays a significant role when you request a mass production of eyelashes. It is always better to clarify everything, especially that holidays will be busy days. Talk to your supplier about what you may expect and the likelihood of fulfilling such expectations.

3. Make a follow up for the order status

Following up on your order while production is in progress is also helpful for real-time monitoring. This is most especially during peak season. Suppose you are preparing for your future eyelash supply, such as after Chinese New Year. In that case, it is further recommended to track your order status.

Of course, you will not only know about the order itself. You should also get to know about other details, which may affect the arrival of your supplies. For example, you may follow up the company’s status in terms of materials, the coming back of their staff, and many more.

4. Know the shipping price exceptionally well.

Do all these steps at least one month before Chinese New Year if you want to save money. If you can, it is better to do it two or more months before the celebration. Otherwise, plan for this single step and have your bulk order. Remember, shipping prices usually go up before, during, and after weeks of such an event.

Good planning can save you money. However, be prepared with your business emergency fund to prepare for unexpected events. Your customers may require you to release more supplies.

How To Follow Up The Order In Production?

Since many suppliers in China stop or reduce their operation for several days within the Chinese New Year celebration, it is also essential to know their plans. This will enable you to have a concrete plan for your eyelash business. Here are the tips you can follow for a continuous smooth business operation. With this, the availability of your products will become sustainable despite uncertainties that might occur along the way.

1. Confirm the return of the supplier and its associated factories.

You may have already known the coming back of your supplier’s operation. However, you must also be aware that their associated factories may have different schedules. It is essential to gain specific details of their partners, as they might be the sources of their raw materials. It means one of the reasons for your supplier’s smooth operation is their business partners. Without raw materials, your eyelash supplies will never be made.

Be aware that associated companies might vary from one supplier to another. So, if you are one of those who make transactions with multiple suppliers, you should verify every detail from each. On the other hand, some suppliers also partner with more than one company. However, most companies will tell you about that immediately. Therefore, it will be less likely to cause you lots of worries.

If you think your supplier is missing something, you can always make a direct inquiry. Also, feel free to ask any questions you can think of, as long as it might impact your supplier’s business operation. These are things that might affect your production too.

2. Ask for their production recovery.

After a long-term holiday, most production of eyelashes might decrease. There are several reasons behind that. For example, employers may ask the company for a temporary leave. While these employees have a specific number of days of not working, it still contributes to the shortage of skilled workers.

Secondly, there might also be unforeseen instances. A good example of this is when employees are officially leaving the company. When this happens, your supplier must find new workers to complete their team. Before these new workers officially join the workforce, seniors must conduct training first. This is most especially true within big factories.

Another factor is the busy schedule during holidays. While a reduced workforce (3) contributes to the production and exporting of products and materials, a busy schedule is also a consideration. If not during the holidays, before and after the Chinese New Year celebration is the peak of busy schedules. This applies both to the suppliers and business customers.

The busy schedule contributes to the delay of the exporting and processing of orders. This means, suppliers may need more time to deliver your products to you. At the same time, your eyelash supplier may have to wait for their materials supplier for the raw equipment.

It is true that the supplier’s factory recovery time may not be 100% accurate. However, a good estimation will probably be enough for a concrete production plan.

3. Know the factory’s mass production stability

Suppliers, especially the big ones, already gain enough experience related to the eyelash business. Through all the years in the industry, they have the idea about various aspects of their operation and production. With that, you can ask them for the best estimated recovery period. As soon as the supplier’s mass production recovery is achieved, you can go back to your normal routine as well.

Final Thoughts

Holiday season such as the Chinese New Year is one of the happies–t celebrations for many. However, it also comes with certain challenges. Likewise, there might be a shortage of product supplies, while the demand increases. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to keep your business smoothly operating. You can still leverage the advantage of the increasing demands for eyelashes.


1. Chinese New Year Celebration ( Retrieved from

2. China’s Government Announcement (Retrieved from

3. Reduced workforce (Retrieved from

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